Monday, November 2, 2009

Heart Dissection in Science Class

Today was a big day for the home school classes. Everyone got to witness a dissection of the heart. Some of our students that returned from last year, saw this before, but when you can SEE how something works, TOUCH it to see how it feels, and UNDERSTAND better by participating, it's all worth the "EWWW", the "UCKS" and the "GROSS" comments that are flying around when you first bring out something like this. However, by the time we were observing chambers, and poking probes through arteries to show how blood flows, it was totally quiet, total attention was given, and this is what makes teaching so fun....what a kick!

Thanks to the Morehead family for the donation of two deer hearts. We also had a steer heart, and it was interesting to the kids to see that other than the size...every heart is the same!

Check out the photos. These kids are gearing up to our fetal pigs!

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