Saturday, August 13, 2011
From Brownsville Superintendent
August 10, 2011
Dear Home School Parents,
I would first like to apologize for my first contact with you coming so late in the summer.
I have had a number of issues that have taken up a great deal of my first few weeks here
at Central Linn; no slight was intended.
I would like to continue the Central Linn/Home School connection. Obviously we have
had a setback in the loss of leadership in the program, complicated further by me being
on the job for all of 6 weeks. To get to the heart of parent needs, and for the district to be
able to allocate scarce resources efficiently, I think we need to get everyone who is
interested in being involved together at the same time. Next Thursday, August 18th, at the
Central Linn School District office at 6pm seemed to be the best option. I am seeking an
open and constructive conversation to see if we can put together a viable and enriching
program for the 2011-12 school year. Everyone with interest is encouraged to attend.
Thank you for your time and commitment to children,
Brian Gardner
Friday, August 5, 2011
Good Things.....
They say all good things come to an end......
It is with sad hearts that we say that there will not be Monday classes at Central Linn District Office this school year. Dana has resigned, as well as Felicia. It is time to pursue other things with their own children, and the time and season for this has come to a close.
Jennifer Ewing will still be doing home school supplemental teaching and online classes. Please get with her if you are still interested. The district office number can be found on the side information bar.
We would like to thank those that supported us all these years, who faithfully pitched in where they could, gave what they had, and stood behind us these last 8 years. Thanks also to Mr. Ed Curtis who faithfully supported our program, helped us to make it what it was, and always was working for better education for the kids. We wish him well in his Second Retirement!
Shawnna and Dana are still around, and still willing to chat with you about homeschool if you'd like some direction, or just want to say hi! Shawnna 541-619-5834 Dana 541-367-6413
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Parents-- Please plan to be in attendance at our planning meeting on May 16th. We will be discussing curriculum for next year, as well as pre-registering for next years classes.
There is a waiting list for enrollment, and we want to be able to open any available slots. If you have not returned your survey, please do so this week. If you have misplaced yours and need another, please let us know. We really need to know if you are returning!!
Questions? Call Dana 541-367-6413
2011 Civil War Reenatcment MAY 14-15
Civil War Reenactment Event
The Civil War Reenactment Event will not be held in Lebanon this year. Here is information on one of their upcoming events held in Springfield at Mt. Pisgah Park. At this time, there is no field trip day set up for school groups and will be regularly open to the public.
Dates: Saturday, May 14th and Sunday, May 15th
Where: Howard Buford Park of Eugene, at the base of Mt. Pisgah
Admission: Adults $8, Seniors and children ages 6-18 $5, children under 6 are free, ***In addition, there will be a $5 state park DAY-USE fee
Visit the website for a detailed schedule of each day's events and battle times, directions to Howard Buford Park, and other useful info.
Central Linn Academy
Home school students are now able to earn high school credits online through Central Linn Web Academy.
We offer core classes for grades 3-12 and a variety of electives to meet your students’ needs and interests.
Daily computer lab and tutoring sessions are available to students taking online classes.
Small Weekday Classes at the District Office
If families show interest, we offer classes throughout the week at the District Office. Subjects, times, and days are flexible. If there is a need or interest in a particular subject, we will try to form a class that satisfies the interest.
Educational Consulting
This is an option for home school parents who would like extra support as they develop their own curriculum. The educational consultant provides resources, curriculum, and advice to parents who wish to learn new ways to teach their children. The educational consultant helps parents align their curriculum with state standards, ensuring that students are learning at grade level. Parents who choose this option meet with the educational consultant weekly to report progress and receive support as needed.
Questions? Call Jennifer Ewing at 541-369-2813 ext. 3234 or email at